Gallbladder mucocoele and concurrent hepatic lipidosis in a. Introduction mucocele is a common lesion of the oral mucosa that results from an alteration of minor salivary glands due to a mucous accumulation. Two types of mucocele can appear extravasation and retention. Animales con mucoceles cervicales presentan una masa blanda, flutuante y. Glandula salivar, sialolitiasis, mucocele salival, diagnostico por imagen. Typical and atypical presentations of paranasal sinus. Pdf mucocele is a common lesion of the oral mucosa that results from an alteration of minor salivary glands due to a mucous accumulation. The patients manifest a variety of symptoms, but can also be asymptomatic. Mucocele salival american college of veterinary surgeons.
Mucocele is a clinical term that applies to the mucous extravastion phenomenon. We present an interesting case series of three patients with mucocele of appendix in a community hospital in the span of one month for which one patient underwent laparoscopic assisted right hemicolectomy and 2 cases of mucocele appendix that was managed with laparoscopic appendectomy with partial cecectomy. Hallazgos ecograficos, clinicos y laboratoriales del. Generally, such mucocele erodes the anterior and or posterior sinuses tables. A 3yearold domestic shorthair cat was presented with weight loss, anorexia and icterus. Mucocele cervical en perro traumatologia y cirugia.
A mucocele may develop within such structure and be either sufficiently large to block unilaterally the frontal sinus ostium, or increase to form a giant mucocele involving both frontal sinuses. Appendiceal mucocele am is a descriptive term for dilated appendiceal lumen, caused by abnormal accumulation of mucus. Mucocele salival american college of veterinary surgeons acvs. Las causas mas probables del mucocele son las traumaticas o predisposicion congenita individual siendo esta. Mucocele em caes, luis gustavo gosuen goncalves dias.
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